
You Look At A White Piece Of Paper Through A Green Filter. What Color Do You See?


The physics of the nature of light is fascinating and for many years arguments raged between the scientists equally to whether light behaves similar waves of like particles. In other words, does it evangelize its energy like a hail of bullets or similar waves of water? Actually neither and both are true! This is called wave-particle duality. Function of the reason for scientific discipline being wonderful is that it is not as cut and dried as many people like to retrieve! Withal, it is possible to use a moving ridge model for light then the different wavelengths of light represent to different colours.


The science of colour is astonishing. However, it is not necessarily very straightforward. None of the theory of colour is on the main curriculum just information technology produces such fun activities that it would be awful to miss them out!

If white low-cal is passed through a prism (a triangular block of glass), then the calorie-free splits upward into colours of the rainbow:

This is because white calorie-free is, in fact, a combination of these colours. The spectrum of the dissimilar colours or wavelengths of calorie-free has been produced on the screen.


If y'all laissez passer white light through a red filter, then red low-cal comes out the other side. This is because the red filter only allows red light through. The other colours (wavelengths) of the spectrum are absorbed. Similarly, a green filter merely allows greenish light through. This is called colour past subtraction.

And then when, for example, a cerise filter is placed in forepart of the spectrum above only the red part of the spectrum remains - the residual disappears.

North.B. The whole spectrum in NOT dyed reddish - the crimson part of the spectrum remains but the rest of the spectrum has been absorbed past the filter.

If a light-green and a red filter are placed together, what colours would you expect to be transmitted? (Answer - no colour will be transmitted, it will appear black. This is because a pure red filter only allows through blood-red light and a pure greenish filter only allows through green light. Together this ways that they allow no light and appear black.)

Similarly, any coloured surface, such equally a jumper or a coat, is that colour as a result of colour by subtraction:

A red jumper is reddish when viewed in white lite because all the wavelengths of the spectrum that fall on it are absorbed except red which is reflected into the center. In practice, information technology is probably more authentic to say that the blood-red jumper reflects more red light than other colours and then appears ruby-red. There are few pigments that are completely pure and only reflect one colour but some reflect mostly one colour.

A black coat appears black because it absorbs all the wavelengths of visual light that fall on it and no light is reflected into the eye from that object. Information technology is because of this that black clothes become hotter on a sunny day that white ones.

It is interesting to consider what colour a blue clothes will announced if viewed in a cerise light source! (Answer - black) Hence it is a good idea to choose clothes or carpet virtually a window or in daylight as they can appear rather different in shop lights. Paints are the result of colour by subtraction besides. Cherry pigment simply reflects the red part of the spectrum, the rest is captivated. Hence when many coloured paints are mixed together, the result tends to be murky and blackish! The dissimilar paints mixed together absorb just most all the light falling on them.


Sight, Rubber, Light needs a source, Speed of Lite
Transparency, Opaque materials and shadows
Reflection of Lite, Intensity
The center
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You Look At A White Piece Of Paper Through A Green Filter. What Color Do You See?,


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