
How Does Sea World Treat Their Animals


People who live on dry out land have plenty of strange experiences, only when you move onto the ocean, things can get even weirder. The sea creatures tin can be odd, and the houseboat and marina neighbors can be odder yet.

If you lot oasis't lived on the bounding main yourself, you might exist surprised to learn that bizarre escapades are fairly mutual. Or is it that living on the h2o makes people love to spin yarns? You exist the judge when people who take lived on the bounding main share tales of their weirdest encounters.

A Lose-Lose Situation

This guy lost money to a bunch of SEALs at a poker game i nighttime while we were in the Western farsi Gulf. One of the SEALs tells him, "Don't worry about it, dude. You tin get the coin back tomorrow nighttime." The guy in my division thought, "Yeah, we're miles from the port. He's not going anywhere."


That night, the SEAL team went over the side of the transport for their ops and never came back. Dude was angry.

Doing a Navy deployment in the Gulf of Aden, we go a call considering a merchant's vessel had seen a big-ish (100+ foot long) fishing vessel that appeared to be adrift.


We move closer. The vessel isn't responding to any hails or transmitting any AIS signature.

Boarding squad strap on torso armor and weapons to become check it out. Nosotros board the ship. Bullet holes everywhere with metric tons of dried claret. Looked similar some horror testify. Handprints and everything.

All of the electronics had been stripped from the ship, as well as any log books.

We take a agglomeration of pictures and have our medical guys have samples of all the blood to transport off to intel world.

Never did get give-and-take on what the story with that ship was, as nosotros had no need to know and it's hard getting info out of the intel blackness hole without a demand-to-know.

Snorkeling Side by side To A 40-Foot Drop

I was in the Navy and was on a disengagement to Okinawa for a week. A friend and I went snorkeling at a beach close to Kadena Air force base. It was amazingly beautiful with all of the coral and wildlife in the water. Then we decided to practice it at dark. I recollect swishing around my dive light like it was a lightsaber; I was trying to come across annihilation and everything. We didn't see anything out of the ordinary merely snorkeling near a 40 drib-off in the darkness with only a swoop light and a small blade was sort of terrifying.


Watching A Tempest Arroyo At 100 Knots With Nowhere To Go

I used to work on fishing boats in the Bering Body of water as a fisheries biologist. I would be out on boats anywhere from two days to two months. The longest trip I ever had on a boat was 72 days from the time we left port until the time we came dorsum to port.


The creepiest thing I e'er saw was basically a hurricane that had formed over several days and was headed correct for the states. We were out where it was relatively at-home and in those atmospheric condition, yous tin can't run across any land around yous and yous simply look at the horizon and realize you are over 200 miles from land and are actually on your ain. We could encounter the storm on radar about 75 miles away and watching the way that information technology was moving, seeing the winds and rain from the far away was eery. As information technology approached, you could encounter more and more details almost how the wind and rain were moving and see the waves increasing in size and force. We kept fishing though because nosotros were too far from anywhere to hide in an inlet or anything, so nosotros rode out the storm at sea. Seas got to about 30′ with 100-knot winds, probably the scariest affair I've been through at body of water.

The Sunfish Was Like, 'Non My Circus'

I was bounding main kayaking off Nova Scotia and the seas had gotten a large swell of over one meter. You would lose sight of other kayaks as they bobbed into the wave trough. There was no place to land for a campground for the night, so we were forced to paddle until nosotros got to a cove that nosotros had marked on the map.


So we carefully made our way along the coast. Information technology was white knuckle, and no one wants to do a rescue if someone capsized. I didn't drink any water for 2 to three hours, I was so focused.

At one signal, I looked over and there was this huge sunfish floating next to me. The water was warm because of a recent tropical storm and this beast was just sitting there in these crude seas.

There was no time to examine it or tell my friends because of the conditions, and so I moved on. We had a dodgy landing in a tough camp and got stuck at that place for two nights, cutting our trip curt.

The Stalker Had Whiskers And Flippers

When I was 13 or so, I lived on a floating "firm" for a few months. It was a plastic matter my stepdad made to alive on and made a place for me to sleep when we (my mom and I) moved onto information technology. Everything was exposed, industrial plastic sheeting was put up for walls, but zippo was fully airtight in.


One night, I woke up. What sounded like slightly wet footsteps were walking effectually the docks around me. I was horrified. I lived nowhere near people. You had to go to this place by gunkhole and nosotros were meters off of the nearest shores. I wish I could say I was brave and attacked the intruder. Instead, I lay there silently, blankets pulled over my face, hoping it would leave.

I woke upwardly and told my parents the next morn what I heard. My stepdad started laughing, "Yep, that's only the sea lion that hangs effectually here sometimes. Don't worry almost it."

Dodging Minefields, Literally

The states Navy, Indian Ocean in the tardily 80s. The USS Sammy Roberts had recently hit a mine there. We're cruising in (roughly) the same surface area, and all of a sudden, a watch sees a mine. The ship shuts engines down. Now we're globe-trotting, and the ship is eerily placidity without the noise of the engines (gas turbine constitute), and we know at that place are mines out there, and nosotros're Drifting! The brass is trying to effigy out how to become us out of the minefield, and we're all sweating bullets waiting to see if we're going to blow upward. Anybody anywhere near the hull effectually the waterline is chop-chop getting the heck Abroad from the hull, which was hard for some of u.s. because nosotros went to General Quarters, and our stations were right by the hull in some cases. (Mine beingness 1 of them.)


I don't know how long nosotros drifted until they decided to try to back out, but information technology seemed hours until it was announced nosotros were clear.

It was the most surreal experience of my life, waiting countless infinitesimal later endless minute to see if the adjacent minute was going to accident the gunkhole up.

A Foggy Idea Of What Was So Eerie

On deck in a container ship somewhere in betwixt Alaska and Russia, with fog surrounding the transport and the h2o being creepily still.


It's a completely natural occurrence but freaky sitting on this massive ship in almost complete silence with only the low hum of the engine below deck and barely being able to come across a few feet in front of the ship. The water existence still was freaky also; it'due south just not something I see a lot in the open sea.

It Would Have To Be An Actress Large Ping Pong Ball

I was in a small boat off the coast of British Columbia —the water was perfectly flat, no sound, and eerie luminescent grayness mist surrounded the boat in all directions. My companion accurately described it as like beingness inside a ping pong ball.


The Light Came Out Of The Ocean

While standing a sentry watch at dark on a patrol somewhere in the eye of the Bering Sea, I saw a light announced on the horizon. The lite rose until I could tell through the binoculars that information technology was pretty clearly a circle of light—a glowing orb of some sort. It rose rapidly and hung in the air for a short catamenia of fourth dimension, but long enough for me to written report the sighting and for folks on the bridge to puzzle over it. Then a few minutes later, information technology dropped rapidly and was gone for good.


So, two things we knew: one) Information technology was over the water. The nearest land in that direction was and so far that the thing would have had to take been the size of Connecticut if it had shot upward from land. 2) The United States government didn't accept a clue what it was (or had no involvement in telling us).

It was weird. I do not believe it was extraterrestrial or the outcome of anything supernatural. But it was weird.

A Scene Straight Out Of The Shining

I was deployed on the Truman in 2013-14 for ix months, Farsi Gulf. I saw a lot of what others have seen: the glowing algae, dolphins, oil rigs in the distance. Honestly though, being out there on the glass-like water at dark or during the day never bothered me. It was too beautiful.


I got creeped out INSIDE the send. I was walking alone at night, and all of the passageways were lit with reddish (they had doors that accessed the exterior) and it was empty at the time and for a moment I just thought to myself, "What the HECK am I doing here?!"

Newbie Sailors Almost Killed Everybody

We got broadsided past 50-knot winds in the eye of the ocean and even with the master reefed it buried the runway. I was barking orders to the new crew on trimming or letting out sails to lessen the touch on of the wind gusts which were pushing 70 knots. Them being inexperienced atomic number 82 to them occasionally doing the opposite of what I wanted.


This all came to a head when they tightened up on the sails that I ordered to be let out and we got hit by the hardest gust at that point. The wheel was literally ripped from my hands and the ship listed so far over I was certain that we were capsizing. All gear on the port side of the ship shifted starboard and people fell. The only matter that kept some on lath was their harness. Information technology was a terrifying and helpless feeling knowing that I was second in command, at the helm and responsible for the safety of the crew however completely at the mercy of an unrelenting squall and a merciless ocean.

Thankfully, the send righted itself and put its bow straight into the air current.

An All White Fish Tin Symbolize And so Many Things

I was working out at sea and I saw this albino fish. It was amazing. I felt like one of those old fishermen who say they've seen mermaids and stuff. I turned to my boss and said, "Hey, expect at that albino fish!" And he said, "That'south not an albino fish, that's a ill fish. Information technology'southward pond upside down. That's its white belly you tin can run into." …Dreams shattered instantly.


Afterwards The Autopilot And Earlier The Nuptials

I was on wheel watch lonely at effectually 2 thousand. when up ahead at that place was a form alter, about 45 degrees to my starboard. I started getting a really funny feeling most the form change and we had been having nav equipment issues the unabridged trip, so I woke up the captain and told him about my feeling. He said, "Wake me dorsum up if things hitting the fan." And so most xv minutes later, I make my get-go course correction, virtually 5 degrees. The transport starts spinning and autopilot goes out. The radar cuts out. Both compasses are spinning in opposite direction, and I am heading toward a stone. I wake the captain upward and he quickly gets things under control, as I was withal pretty new to the transport. We spent the remainder of the night paw steering, using the stars, and novel tech as our guide. No clue what could have acquired all of that ruckus. Three years later, I marry a man from Alaska and we move out to his country… on the same signal where I spun out three years prior.


Safe From The Floating Skyscraper? If You Say So

I recall taking the ferry across the Mississippi in Lousiana during a crazy fog. This was also at the same time a rather big sea liner had somehow squeezed its way upriver.


Information technology was a really eerie sight to see what was basically a water-borne skyscraper suddenly loom into view, towering over you around 30 or and so yards away. I knew we were safe simply information technology still felt similar we were going to be crushed at whatever 2d.

Maybe It Sang 'Infant Shark' One Too Many Times

I caught a ride on a fishing vessel from Greenland as a teenager and traveled with them for about six weeks. We woke up one morning to a shark impaled on the deck railing. No explanation of how information technology got at that place or why. Merely pushed it back overboard like it hadn't attempted to ninja the ship during the night while we all slept in our beds. The railing wasn't even all that sharp.


Only Was It Wearing A Sock?

Well, ane actually creepy thing that happened was we caught a human foot while dredging for scallops. It fifty-fifty came with the boot still on.


Annotation To Self: Continue Doors Closed During Hurricanes

In the open up ocean, I saw some strange fish and pods of dolphins hundreds large. I also made the error of opening a weather deck door during a tempest in the Indian Ocean. I'm lucky non to have been done away as the waves were crashing over us.

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Peg Leg Alarm Clock

Back in the mean solar day on a angling boat I worked on, the skipper used to wake me upwardly past poking me with his dirty prosthetic leg.

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When The Sea'southward Dark, I Don't Encounter Some Stuff On Purpose

Three of united states were sailing from San Francisco to San Diego on a 38′ ketch. LaVonne wakes me at midnight for my sentry. We're sitting in the stern chatting for a bit and I happen to look directly downward the line of the bowsprit and… WTH? I think I might be seeing something dead ahead blacker than the already black night sky. We're non in a shipping lane, 25 miles from land, and it is blacker than black sky considering in that location are no stars in it. And whatever it is, information technology has right angles to information technology! Somehow we're on collision course with the ane floating thing in all that open water!


I turn tiller slightly and we see a 60-human foot motel cruiser tossing from side to side in a slight ocean 200 feet to starboard. Information technology'south absolutely blacked out. No running lights (ever on at ocean), no interior lights, no sign of life.

My get-go thought is somebody might exist down, heart attack, whatever… but amend wake the skipper and ask him. Woke him, he got up, looked at it for about three or 4 minutes. And I started getting the vibe. Something was wrong here.

He said, "No, let'due south get out of here," and went back to bed. Told me the next day he made it for a possible illegal offloading.

Yous Can't Outswim Lightening

I went diving in the Keys one night and a lightning tempest struck upwards while I was nether. It was beautiful, only for obvious reasons we had to get out of the water ASAP. One of my favorite memories though.


Unintentional House Boat

In Port-au-Prince later the earthquake, I saw an entire house float past the ship. Completely undamaged and intact. It was foreign to know that a family could still be inside.


This Is Simply A Drill, Right?

Currently in the Navy. I've been deployed about 12 months total in the past ii years. Creepiest thing in terms of actual fearfulness was when we were doing a practice Full general Quarters drill (boxing stations) and a Russian Jet flew over us almost prompting an actual General Quarters.


The E'er-Enlarging Oil Rig

My beginning time going to an oil rig was crazy. Of grade, it was at night during a storm simply they obviously won't turn dorsum to shore then it keeps going and the rig just keeps getting bigger and bigger. They look exactly like when you're heading into a small town from the top of a mountain overpass.

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Interim The Fool In A Cruise Ship Emergency

I was on a cruise ship seven years ago. It was an older ship (xv years one-time or so) and we went through a actually rough storm, people threw up everywhere, general hysteria. Then the ability went out, more hysteria. Captain has a quick meeting with the senior officers and information technology's decided it's best to have everyone at muster stations till we get help. We were basically adrift at this point. So he announces that it's not a drill and everyone should get their life jackets and assemble. We are supposed to assist anyone who needs medical attention first and suddenly there's this whole bunch of people faking medical emergencies. Simulated fainting to fake heart attacks. I am a very calm person and even calmer in an emergency but nosotros ran out of wheelchairs, heck we ran out of crew. I am paging for any medical professionals to assistance out, normal people are getting upset considering in that location are non plenty people to answer their questions, chaos bordering on pandemonium, and suddenly the ability comes back on. Every idiot who had fainted or was having chest pains is suddenly fine and standing in line for the buffet. Nosotros only had 1 real medical emergency and nearly 30 fakers.


Nothing Competes With Nature's Fireworks

It was the fourth of July, 1993 and we were in transit from Hawaii to San Diego aboard the USS Cape Cod (AD-43), a repair tender. We were being immune outside the skin of the ship to lookout man our destroyer escort shoot off some rounds and flares for our very own fireworks display. Later on the show, many of united states remained outside simply considering we could and the (mostly) full moon came out from backside some clouds and lit up the heaven in a gorgeous pastel rainbow.


I'm not a religious person, but I've never felt closer to believing in something greater than myself… It was that cute, and awe-inspiring.

Bedazzled Past A British Ship

I was a junior officer on board the Saratoga, and we were doing joint exercises with a British ship, the HMS Newcastle. I was selected to berth onboard the Newcastle for a few days every bit a kind of cultural exchange. I had a wonderful time! British ships allowed alcohol in the wardroom while underway. British officers were allowed to article of clothing shorts. That ship had a few oriental civilians onboard, working as tailors, shoemakers, etc., similar to what you would see in The Sand Pebbles. And standing deck spotter on a destroyer in the Indian Ocean is definitely more pleasant than standing deck watch on an aircraft carrier. On the flying span you're just a few dozen anxiety higher up the h2o… the air is thick with flight fish whirring around you lot, the send'due south turbine engine allows you to cut and maneuver through the waves like yous're riding a cycle, and at night the sky higher up is adorned with strange (to me, a northern hemisphere boy) southern stars.


The Mystery Of The Homo Overboard

So my dad was a sailor in the early 1970s. He said he was on a ship where an assistant engineer went overboard and lost his life. Now, there was some suggestion that the engineer might have jumped himself as a way of taking his own life—he was known to exist going through a bad divorce at the time and had seemed depressed… merely at that place are 2 picayune details that kind of seemed out of place:


First, when they establish him, his torso was floating, which it shouldn't have been if he had drowned. 2d, the seaman who'd heard the engineer get overboard had also heard the engineer scream earlier he heard the splash.

And so was it him taking his own life? Or was the engineer pushed or attacked somehow—and then thrown in the water to go far look like an accident?

He Still Had Bad Breath, Too

I caught a man after he'd drank all of our listerine once, on a lay barge (a pipe laying barge) in the Gulf of Mexico.


Lay barges are where you'll see the lowest of the depression.

What's Weird Is You End Noticing What'south Weird

I spent two years living aboard fishing vessels in the Bering Sea, sometimes spending iii months without touching port and merely offloading to other larger boats. If there was something peculiar or paranormal, nobody would have known it happened. Everything is constantly swaying and rumbling, and everyone on lath is also busy working 16-hour shifts to notice.


Style Too Shut For Condolement

Take you ever been out to bounding main nether sail? It's a surreal feel. A lot of times the transport barely makes any noise moving through the water.


I had just gotten off of watch and it was about 0400. I'd been out to ocean for a few months and was feeling down. I had been fighting with my married woman, and my daughter barely knew who I was. I was sitting on the deck enjoying the environment, and I had that telephone call of the void feel.

I could simply spring over the side right now. No one would see me, no one would hear me, just a quiet lone terminate at bounding main. My wife wouldn't have to worry about money anymore, my life insurance is quite adept. My daughter wouldn't be wondering when her dad would and wouldn't be dwelling house. Information technology would just be so much simpler.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not usually this morbid person. I've struggled with depression before, and volition once more, but at that moment in time, the depict to surrender myself to the silent depths was eminently powerful.

I felt fine fifteen minutes afterward, and feel fine at present, but I still shiver when I think well-nigh that dark, alone on a ship, moving silently through the Atlantic.

The Sea Can Make The The Toughest Guys Sad

I'thousand ex-Navy. I was cruising at nighttime in the Indian Sea in big-ish seas (stars were out but the water was rough because of a distant tempest) and no moon. I was on the stern having a cigarette (this was the 90s). A guy jumps the side by making a solid run to aft and jumping off the fantail into the nighttime. We called man overboard and I saw the guy'south head bobbing in the waves for a few minutes but we lost him in the dark during the turn. In his jump, he cleared the screws. We could've saved him if we could encounter him. They deployed motor whaleboats and stayed in the expanse for a while looking for him.


One Deck, 2 Types Of Conditions

I got the rare opportunity to go to the Keen Bulwark Reef in Australia one time. And on our way back, the ocean is just SO vast, I could come across where it was raining across the horizon and where it wasn't. Scary and amazing all at once.


This Does Not Feel Like A Life Raft

I was a Construction Mechanic for the Seabees in San Diego. We were working on a ship-to-shore materials send exercise with the merchant marines and we'd constructed a small raft out of four modular pontoon sections which we'd tied to the send. I was maintaining some floodlights on the raft 1 night when a storm came up out of nowhere and started throwing the raft about. Eventually, as it got dark, nosotros decided to cut loose from the send before the tempest punched our raft through the hull of the ship.

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I was on that raft with virtually ten other people, and all nighttime long the seas tossed the states around. Eventually, we drifted and so far from the ship nosotros couldn't run into its lights anymore. We thought we were gonna capsize.

Nobody really talked much, and I made information technology my task to stay focused on keeping the floodlight-establish running. I felt similar if nosotros lose the lights we'll be doomed, and it's my duty to make sure we have light, fifty-fifty though the lite didn't extend much further than the edges of the raft. Just a raft with a noisy low-cal plant, and blackness as far as the eyes tin see, and a lot of us getting tossed around and thrown overboard (two people got tossed overboard and scooped up right away). That night was scary… Felt like it would never end. The side by side forenoon they found us about five miles from the send.

The Example Of The Disappearing Dhow

Ex-Navy, was on a CG. On deployment, we were driving around one night and noticed a dhow (sailboat) off in the distance that we wanted to investigate. Someone on the bridge has some fancy NVGs and is looking at the dhow… and information technology looks as if they are throwing stuff over the side with someone watching us back.

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We got nearly 50 yards abroad when the dhow just vanished. So odd.

A Bet With Actually Bad Odds

We had a guy in my sectionalization who jumped off the stern in broad daylight. They found him and recovered him. He told the MAAs that he did it on a $twenty bet. They said to him something along the lines of, "If you lost your life, how would you collect?" They put him on lookout in the brig. He was eventually processed out.


A Heck Of A Heckler

We institute a dhow that was floating effectually, seemingly unmanned, non responding to attempts to communicate with them. Nosotros send the VBBS team over and there was only ane guy on the dhow (commonly they have a few more than that) and he is just inebriated out of his listen and annoyed that we woke him from his stupor. He spent the adjacent two weeks following us around and screaming at the states on bridge-to-bridge.


Also Vast For Search And Rescue

I recall standing on the deck of the ship I was working on at the time and watching rescue helicopters buzzing around and dropping flares to try and find survivors of a helicopter crash. Ane of the most surreal evenings of my life. Information technology actually brought home to me how vast the ocean is and how small-scale people are past comparison.


The Barracuda Likewise Enjoyed Nighttime Pond

In Puerto Rico, nosotros decided to go for a dark swim only me and my brothers. Totally unarmed and I'm like 11 and my older brothers are 18 and xix. We were just swimming and we lost track of how far out we got. We realized we were almost 80 feet abroad from shore. Nosotros went to turn around and then out of nowhere we saw some barracuda betwixt us and the shore. We had to tread water back so slowly to shore it was terrible. Never gone dark pond since.

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If A Tree Falls In The Sea . . .

We were on our trusty little mine-hunter out in the heart of the Arafura Sea (on the meridian end of Australia). No ships as far as the radar could see.


I was below decks doing something tedious. Of a sudden the drone of the engine is punctuated past a big crash-land from virtually the bow, followed by more than bumps traveling towards the stern. I told ane of my mates, "I think we just hitting something." The reply was, "Don't be silly." was the respond. Understandable really, us beingness in the middle of frigging nowhere.

Turns out we hitting a tree.

Allow's replay that, slowly: in the middle of a actually big body of h2o, with no contacts on the radar, nix in visual range (we had just traveled two days totally alone) we actually hit a bloody tree only floating in that location!

To brand matters more interesting: the thing managed to curve our prop shaft. With days out from whatsoever coastal facilities, our Main Engineer had to figure out how to straighten the bugger out again using just onboard equipment while keeping the boat traveling. Which he did.

Silent Only Likely Trigger-happy

There'due south nothing more unsettling than seeing something in the water next to you that's been silent and probably there for a while. Even if information technology'southward non unsafe it's still freaky equally heck that you could accept been next to it unknowingly for so long.


Dolphin Tag Involves Wild Special Effects

Ex-Navy. While I was on the USS Pyro AE-24 (allow's only get that out of the way), standing fantail watch late one nighttime along the California coast, I was admiring the faint luminescent algae in our wake when I saw something glowing bright green moving straight toward me through the water VERY FAST! I actually reported it as a possible torpedo, all my encephalon could dredge up when a glowing bright light-green oblong shape came racing at my ship. Roving patrol got sent to encounter if I was inebriated as the transport hadn't blown up and I was now reporting 2 such glowing submerged bogies repeatedly launching themselves at the dorsum of the ship. Roving patrol confirmed my sobriety and what I was seeing. Presently every hand that was awake was on the fantail admiring the sight. Though we never got proof, we were pretty sure it was two dolphins playing tag with the ship. It really looked that they were swimming between the screws and the hull, which would explain their high speed of approach, which agitated the luminescent algae to a bright bright green effectually them.


Man Goes Overboard Afterwards His Hat

Nosotros were in port and this guy came back inebriated and lost his chapeau over the side. I judge this was unacceptable and so he pigeon in afterward it. They fished him out and it was a mess for that idiot.

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When Diving With Sharks, Schedule The Swim For Apex

Night dives with lots of sharks are terrifying. We dive wrecks that during the day were covered with lazy sand tigers and shy bulls. Same guys are fashion, fashion more active at night!


The Kind Of Sub That'south Not A Sandwich

I was a Combat Systems Operator in the Royal Australian Navy, and we were off the coast of Australia somewhere heading to practise exercises with the Americans. Information technology was nighttime, and I was having a cigarette on the quarter deck and looking out over the ocean.

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It was relatively calm—perchance Sea Land ii—and there was a one-half moon that was painting the ocean silver. No country within sight in whatever management. Very peaceful.

Anyhow, I'grand just standing around and looking at the ocean when suddenly—and silently—a Collins Class submarine emerges from the depths but off the port side aft quarter from the aforementioned patch of body of water that I had been staring at.


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